Grateful for Every Step

Grinning under a fierce Mexican sun to celebrate and say thanks to what most of us take for granted - legs.

Over 25 years ago, I was told I needed to have my left leg amputated because a malignant tumor throbbing near my knee might spread to my chest and kill me. Instead, it taught me incredible lessons about intention, imagination, trust, rooted love of life & self, and the power of tapping into joy and gratitude no matter what the circumstances.

With the help of an amazing, superstar family Harish Israni, Tanya Sharma-Moore (and so many others in my extended family) doctors, magical empathetic friends and yes, my own burning desire to experience this planet, I graduated from bone cancer school. It wasn’t easy but we saved my leg too.

Far from pristine—partly titanium inside with a drop foot because of a nicked nerve, it’s like a rusty car that needs support. A splint, knee & ankle braces, a trusty elbow crutch for longer adventures. And on occasion more extensive servicing - thank you Hospital for Special Surgery for beautifully fixing broken screws and a shaky shaft in my knee implant in 2019. Super grateful to the lovely team and to Dr. Friedrich Boettner especially.

Each time, I learn to walk again. Dive back into the pool - my happiest place. And right back to exploring Earth - always my favorite thing to do. Hiking, biking, birding, rafting, scuba diving, snorkelling, ATV-ing, kayaking, tubing, climbing mountains, and traveling all over the globe.

Loving that I get to do this, marvelling at the sheer luck and blessings that supported these adventures, and a little nudge to you all - to enjoy those limbs of yours, look after them & carve out time to move & savor this stunning third rock from the sun. 🌏 ☀️

Natasha Israni