Peace + Power Mini Tips for the Juggle
“The weekend can be its own vortex” texted my accountability buddy, the wonderful + wise Esther Ban (an amazing nutritionist with the warmest laugh) as we exchanged notes on our goals.
When your partner travels for a stretch, that vortex can get even more…shall we say, intense? Especially if it also involves a frenetic sports schedule for two very-lovely-and-funny-but-sometimes-much-too-squabbly-boys.
Discovering time and time again that peace + power while juggling ANYTHING lies in the intentional use of small tools + tapping into community.
Here’s what else helps the marathon that is parenting while balancing a creative work and social life:
1. No time for a workout or even a walk? No sweat. Play music, preferably have speakers everywhere, prance while catering endless meals. Use the counters to stretch + flex.
2. Keep these strange looking stainless steel ice globes in the freezer, got the tip from Radhi Devlukia - I pull them out in the am & place over sleepy eyes for just a few secs- super awakening!
3. Use hand-held light scalp massagers, keep them even in the car as you drive around like a maniac. They look like egg beaters kind of. Use at long stop lights. Self-care on the go!
4. No time for a long meditation? Compromise! Listen to something short while doing something else. Enjoyed this little SHIVA meditation from Mind Valley while sipping tea.
5. Reach for more protein. Always! In my case, since mostly vegetarian, sometimes pescatarian, have to be mindful about getting more seafood like salmon + protein veggie broths + nuts. Keeping a handy nut mix ready makes it easier.
6. Nap if you can. Just crashing on the couch for 20 mins with noisy Minecraft videos in the background can be surprisingly yummy.
7. And most importantly which I still need to implement properly myself - expect to do less during particularly busy periods, so put less on your calendar too!