Embracing Your Creative Tribe: Flowers and Greens in Your Creative Journey


Embarking on a creative entrepreneurship journey is an exhilarating adventure filled with ups, downs, and everything in between. Along the way, you'll encounter all kinds of creatures who will play different roles — some easier than others. They will fall into two broad archetypes: the Flowers and the Greens.

The Flowers: Your Bright Support System

Flowers are those vibrant, supportive individuals who believe in your vision, sometimes right from the very beginning. They see potential in your idea even when it's just a rough diamond. These bright souls will be there to answer your questions, offer advice, and connect you with others who can help you on your journey. They're the ones you turn to for encouragement, and they're sometimes your shoulder to cry on when the going gets tough. Flowers are essential in your creative bootcamp, providing the support and positivity you definitely need to keep moving forward, through both the encouraging & challenging times. 

The Greens: Your Subtle Challengers

Then there are the Greens. These individuals might not stand out as much or be as readily supportive. They may not always answer your questions or offer the encouragement you're hoping for. Sometimes, they might even seem indifferent or critical. But don't discount their importance. Greens are the ones who will make you think harder and work smarter. They provide the friction that polishes your rough edges and tests your confidence. What they say or don’t  will push you to dig deeper and commit more fully to your creative project. Greens are the grist to your mill, essential for refining and strengthening your resolve.

Cherish Every Encounter

In the grand scheme of your creative entrepreneurship journey, everyone you meet will add value in one way or another. The Flowers uplift you and provide a nurturing environment for your ideas to blossom. The Greens, on the other hand, challenge you, help you become more resilient, and develop thicker skin which you will need. Embrace both archetypes and recognize the unique contributions they make to your journey. After all, what is a bouquet without a mix of both the flowers and the greens? 

It’s up to you to put a positive spin even on difficult moments & people. So, appreciate the support from the flowers, return the favor when you can, embrace the challenges that the greens might throw your away, and continue to build  your creative bouquet with flair. 

Most importantly — keep growing! 🌸🌿

Natasha Israni